Should I lose weight before building muscle? : (Especially For Females)

Should I lose weight before building muscle?  This is a very legit question because we need eight for some of the reasons in the bodybuilding or muscle-building journey

So is it 1000% correct or it is just a say, that means everything we are going to discuss is related to it?  I want you to need to stay with me for understanding the correct news.


Completed the analysis of facts and data I will keep in front of you. 

What the actual bodybuilders say in their review on this we are going to see. I bet that you will get your answer in this post 100%.


If you have to lose weight then how to lose belly fat and gain muscle

Then it's the right way you are going to see in this post (if it's important). So without any further delay let's get started.


Should I lose weight before building muscle? 


We know that weight or mass is important for us. 

We are less muscle if we are too thin then it is not appreciable by our parents and other friends and they say ‘increase the weight or muscle for your dashing personality). 

So here the matter comes that we are ready to make the body but the problem is losing weight before building muscle, or a question should I lose weight before building the muscle?


Weight and muscle have a deep connection with each other and the one-word answer is if you want to build muscle you need the weight.


If you don’t have the weight and you are going to the gym then how you can take the weight, isn’t it. all the time this is not correct.


Now let's see what my collected data says and what the professional bodybuilders say.


FACTS on should I lose weight before building muscle


#1. According to the former fitness zone study:

we come to know that if you have a regular weight according to height (if 1-2kg extra no problem), then we came to know that the body is building by utilizing the fat or utilizing your weight and in under 3 months.

‘We came to the conclusion that if you have regular weight according to the height, then you can directly start with your muscle building exercise without any problem’.

Should I lose weight before building muscle

If you are very thin and bony then you first increase your weight.

Then start building muscle here it doesn’t means that you can't exercise you can exercise muscle building but at your risk.

So I think you have got the answer to Should I lose weight before building muscle? 

I thought to give in on the sentence but it would be my own opinion and here is the proof. 



Should I lose weight before building muscle?



#2. According to CDC (center for disease control) has released the facts on how you can release fat fastly and in exercise, he has mentioned weight training which is for those who have height according to weight.


Should I lose weight before building muscle?

We need the weight for bodybuilding it is the conclusion.


As we have come to know that weight is important.

So now how to increase the height according to the height? Here's the 5-step process which everyone should follow for increasing weight.


How to increase the Weight according to height?


#1. So start doing abdominal exercises.


The reason for starting to do abdominal exercises is that in the abdomen we get one organ which is the small and large intestines.

These are important here if your intestines are weaker then whatever you eat your body will throw outside without taking nutrients from it.


So the first step is to do the exercise starting with 10 minutes till 30 minutes.


#2. Increase the calorie intake.


Here I mentioned that increasing the calories means not the bad calories, which you eat in the formed pizza, burger, etc which is very harmful to us.

We have to increase the good calories which give benefit your overall body nutrition. 

But when eating frequently, a normal person takes 2 meals a day and which is 100% good recommended by the doctor and our team and it gives a longer life.

But here the case is different so you have to take 5-6 meals (initially according to your appetite)


Your meals must be rich in Mostly

#a. protein

#b. carbohydrates.

#c. fats (healthy fats).


Vitamins and minerals are common things which you have to compulsory intake.


NOTE: This is completely designed for vegetarians and vegans even nonvegetarians can apply this too.

#3. Massage your body.


Body relaxation must be there for the proper increase of the body and such things you have to add frequently in your daily routine.


If you are doing all the things and you are not focusing on sleep then you are wasting your whole hard work. 

Because whatever you do throughout the day good/bad reflects in your sleep.

So get a sound sleep of 8hrs-9 hrs without popping any pills for sleep. 

Because it is an obstacle to sleep and weight gain.


#5. Become stress-free.


If you are taking stressed then commonly all energy your mind or brain absorbs.

This is true that it does not fulfill the body's nutrition because our body is intelligent.

 The body knows that if the hair and skin don’t get the nutrients it is ok. 

If the brain is deficient then complications arise in the brain which is incurable.

 So live a stress-free life so that you can gain weight fast




How often to eat protein for muscle gain?


Ans:- Often means regularly you have to eat bodyweight*2 for the one who is struggling with bodybuilding and doing exercise for 2 to 3 hours per day. 

E.g: If your body weight is 50 then 50*2 =100gm protein.


How do vegetarians and vegan bodybuilders get enough protein?

Ans:- I have shared 36 vegetarian protein sources for muscle building then which will be a good source for you to extract all protein sources.

 Should I lose weight before building muscle?

 Ans:- My only answer is if your weight is with respect to height then you are good to go with muscle building.



I think you have cleared your question Should I lose weight before building muscle?  And hopefully, I tried my best on giving you the information.

I don’t think that if I am thin then my bodybuilding dream doesn’t come true, it's not like that.  

If you follow the 5 steps on how to increase weight for muscle-building for 3 months I am sure that you will achieve whatever you want.


So just chill and share the results in the comment box.


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