Back Strengthening Exercise At Home Without Equipment With Top 38 Best Practices

Back strengthening exercise at home without equipment encounters each and every back pain and makes the back stronger.

Welcome friends to another post and first of all let me introduce myself, This is Sujit. 

We know that at a young age, we don’t face any such problems like back pain, knee pain or etc pain because we were having less age and our immunity is also well developed.

When we cross 50 or 60 years then slowly the degeneration of the body takes place like the back pain. 

So to overcome these pains I am here with the top 38 back strengthening exercises at home without equipment.                 

 Now I have fully researched based and evidence-based proof that these exercises are useful for back pain and to make the back stronger than before. 

Here I have done all the work to share the thing, now I want a promise from you that you will perform at least 10 exercises per day. So comment that ‘I promise’.

 So without any further delay let's get started.


Top 38 Back Strengthening Exercise At Home Without Equipment


First of all let me declare that please follow at least 10 exercises which you will feel better and do at least 30 minutes a day.

Here the exercise contains modern exercise as well as ancient yogic asanas.

So let's start with first.

But one thing you understand is you are doing best activities then you need the proteins at that level too so here I have already prepared the vegetarian protein food muscle building


#1. Halasana

Halasana is the exercise that makes you youth and if you do it at a young age then the pain in old age is very very very less.

   back strengthening exercises at home without equipment


#1. The back gets completely rod-like strong, till 100 years you will not get any problem regarding back.

#2. Back, lower back, upper back, and neck this exercise is completely mastered over here.

#3. The thigh part also gets the best benefit as the thigh is completely stretched.

#4. The backbone is completely strong and flexible.

#5. Children should also practice this asana for their proper development of the body and mind till 21 years, don’t wait if you are under 21 just start doing the asana.   (source: Healthline

#2. Bhujangasana

back strengthening exercises at home without equipment


(Source: NDTV)



#1. This asana is specially designed for back pain and spinal cord-related issue.

#2. Bhujangasana (snake pose) is specially designed for weak and brittle spinal cord or backbone, it makes your backbone very powerful and gives strength to the backbone and makes it as strong as the iron rod.

#3. It impacts our pelvic region, lower disc, and complete back. 

And this is the region or the border of the pain which is being faced by you and this actual part is targeted over this asana.

#4. Hands also gets strength and the issues related to the hand will be solved if you do this simple asana.

#5. Body flexibility is the main target of this asana.



#3. Parvatasana

back strengthening exercises at home without equipment

 (Source: Pharmeasy)



#1. This asana is the game-changer for you. It impacts your whole back and you will feel better if you are facing a problem related to the back and that makes your back strong.

#2. It increases height.

#3. It makes legs strong.

#4. It also makes the hand strong.

#5. it keeps your mind peaceful and hormonal imbalance gets corrected.


back strengthening exercises at home without equipment

(Source: ResearchGate)


1. increases back immunity.

2. useful for spine erection.

3. it elongates the spine.

3. increases the height.

4. increase flexibility.

5. improves digestive health.

#5. Ardha matsyendrasana


Ardha matsyendrasana is similar to matsyendrasana and 99% of the benefits are the same so do you perform matsyendrasana or ardha matsyendrasana the benefits are the same.

#6. Markatasana


back strengthening exercises at home without equipment

(Source: Sarvayoga)


1. proper functioning of the lungs

2. increases heart health.

3. digestive system gets a positive effect.

4. panacea for back strengthing.

5. useful for eh pelvis region.

#7.  Shashakasana

back strengthening exercises at home without equipment


(Source: Fitsri)


1. improves the nervous system.

2. improves brain health.

3. increases the height.

4. elongates the spine.

5. useful for back health.

#8. Ushtrasana

back strengthening exercises at home without equipment

(Source: Pharmeasy)


1. Ushtrasana is specially designed for back pain in for back strengthing.

2. improves spine health.

3. elongates the spine.

4. best exercise for thorax, thyroid, and for parathyroid.

5. best exercise for thighs and hamstrings.

#9. Kapalbhati


back strengthening exercises at home without equipment

(Source: NCBI)


#1. For proper nutrient absorption.

#2. For proper blood circulation

#3. To increase anti-healing properties.

#4. To purify the blood.

#5. Best panacea for back pain.

#10. Anulom vilom

back strengthening exercises at home without equipment

(Source: Healthline)


#1. Useful for the nervous system.

#2. Tonic for brain

#3. Panacea for veins and arteries of the body.

#4. To heal pains in the body.

#5. To make all body stiff and healthy.

#11. Uttanpadasana

back strengthening exercises at home without equipment

(Source: HimalayanYogaAshram)


#1. Beneficial for the stomach.
#2. Beneficial for the absorption of nutrition from the food in the small and large intestines.
#3. Increases immunity.
#4. Back strengthening exercise.
#5. Beneficial for the pelvis region.

#12. Yanasana

#13. Yoga mudrasana


back strengthening exercises at home without equipment


1. improves the spinal health

2. improves the proper blood circulation to the brain.

3. increases the height and growth o the boy.

4. proper functioning of the digestive system.

5. brings flexibility to the back and spine. 


(Source: TheYogaInstitute)

#14. Press the ring finger. (it is the acupressure) with your hands or by pencil orbpen, just linger it over your ring finger.


#15. Supta vajrasana


back strengthening exercises at home without equipment

source : (ClassicYoga)

#16. Trikonasana


back strengthening exercises at home without equipment


#1. Body flexibility

#2. Proper body shape

#3. Back best Exercise

#4. Spine elongation

#5. Body excess fat burning and reduce chest fat.

source : (samadhiyogaashram)

#17. Dhanurasana

back strengthening exercises at home without equipment


 #1. Spine elongation

#2. For stiff spine

#3. For stiff back.

#4. For body flexibility

#5. For body balancing.

source: (pharmeasy)

#18. Chakrasana

back strengthening exercises at home without equipment


#1. Spine elongation

#2. Spine erection

#3. Back Strengthening

#4. To preserve and increase the strength

of the body.

#5. No pain in the back till 100 years.

source: (Dr.Himani Bisht)

#19. Sarvangasana

back strengthening exercises at home without equipment


#1. For fluid preservation

#2. For increasing height.

#3. For each and every hair problem.

#4. Spine elongation

#5. For stiff back. source : (Femina)

#20.  Vajrasana


back strengthening exercises at home without equipment

source : (NDTV)

#21. Gomukhasana

back strengthening exercises at home without equipment


#1. To treat a hernia.

#2. A useful exercise for the pelvis region.

#3. Spine elongation

#4. To build strong legs and hand

#5. For fluid preservation.

source: (bebodywise)

#22. Purvottanasana

back strengthening exercises at home without equipment


1. strenthens armas and hands

2. strengthens legs and ankles

3. strengthens back health.

4. increases blood circulation and increases the blood circulation of the body.

5. Body balancing occurs perfectly.  

source: (sarvayoga)

#23. Surya Namaskar

back strengthening exercises at home without equipment



#1. Surya Namaskar is one of the ancient Exercise techniques which formulated such a  good practice where each and every part of the body gets into account.

#2. It increases the height and growth of the body 

#3. Erects the spine

#4. Increase blood circulation all over the body.

#5. Keeps the body in shape.

source: (NDTV)

#24. Chandra namaskar

back strengthening exercises at home without equipment

source : (tummee)

#25. Garudasana

back strengthening exercises at home without equipment


1. makes leg stronger

2. makes hand stornger.

3. improves the balancing of the body.

4. Body becomes flexible.

5. mental exercise also occurred in this exercise.  source : (pharmeasy)

#26. Salbhasana


1. good for the nervous system.

2. good for the thorax and pelvis region.

3. strengthens back and its muscles

4. useful to decrease belly fat.

5. Neck pain gets decreases instantly.  source: (arogyayogaschoool)

#27. Paschimottanasana


back strengthening exercises at home without equipment


1. increases the height.

2. increases the flexibility in the body.

3. legs get flexible.

4. back increases its intensity and improves the growth of the body.

4. back health improves at the next level.

5. mind increases its concentration and grasping capacity.  source: (pharmeasy)

#28. Shaturmurgasana

The ancient text says that shuturmurgasan is quite beneficial for the back pain but no one does this Asan because it's limited up to back pain.

If you want to trigger more than one disease then you can perform other than this.

#29. Baddha padmasana

back strengthening exercises at home without equipment


1. improves spine health.

2. improves the muscular region of the back.

3. capillaries in the back get healthy.

4. improves sexual health.

5. improves the legs, hamstrings, and ankles' health too.  source: (sarvayoga)

#30. Padhastasana

back strengthening exercises at home without equipment


  1. elasticity in the back muscles
  2. improves the functions of the digestive system
  3. boosts metabolism
  4. makes the better health of the pelvic region.  source : (sarvayoga)

#31. Chair pose



1. best for the hips and the hamstrings

2. back muscles get the world and get strength and power.

3. increases the exercise of the hands and legs.

4. it increases the strength of the shoulder.

5. strengthens the ankles and thighs.  source : (harmonyyoga)

#32. Matsyasana

back strengthening exercises at home without equipment


1. reduces abdominal fat

2. increases the stability of the mind.

3. Panacea on the back.

4. detoxifies the body.

5. helps you to keep in the correct posture.  source: (bebodywise)

#33. Kurmasana


back strengthening exercises at home without equipment


1. reduces belly fat and gas.

2. It reduces stress and knee problem.

3. Drastically stop the back pain and when you do this asana 5 times a day for 1-2 minutes you will see that your back will become very much stronger than before.

4. Increases concentration.

5. This is the tonic for the brain.  source: (easyayurveda)

#34. Uttanpadasnaan with moving legs.

 source: (himalayanyogaashram)

Same as uttanpadasan but if you move legs up and down you will get more benefits then regular uttanpadasan.

#35. vipareetkarni mudra


back strengthening exercises at home without equipment


1. It balances our body structure

2. Enhances blood flow in the abdominal and pelvic region.

3. It increases the functions of the ear, eyes and nose, and throat.

4. Reduces grey hair.

5. It is best for the back also.   

#36. Tolangulasana


  1. Strengthens back.
  2. Legs stronger.
  3. Makes the functions of the stomach in the proper way.
  4. Gives strength to the pelvic region.

#37. Walking


#1. Exercise of the muscular part of our back.

#2. Proper blood circulation all over the body and increasing anti healing property in our body.

#3. Acupressure points get pointed by walking barefoot.

#4. It controls diabetes and blood pressure which can be the cause of back pain.

#5. It's the normal exercise which you can do daily.

back strengthening exercises at home without equipment

According to a study walking reduces back pain , stoke of diabetes and BP .

I hope this 38 exercise will be a game changer for your further life, but here honesty is if you read this then act on it as much as possible.

And the thing you have to do after 3 months is comment down below that ‘I have recovered my back pain’.


38. Pushups

pushup is one of the ancient ways to build the body and to get relief from other pain too.

os, in that case, I recommend you to do pushups at least 30 a day for the beginner level and go up to 100. the right way to do pushups is this :



I hope these back strengthening exercises at home without equipment guide you in your back-strengthening journey.

In my opinion, walking and ustrasan must be mandatory to do for back strengthening. 

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