35 Vegetarian Protein Food For Muscle Building and 1 extra Bonus which Gives 200% Extra Protein/day

We need protein in our day-to-day life, due to protein deficiency. This complete guide on vegetarian protein food for muscle building, What if, I say that life without water is very enjoyable? Is it True, absolutely NO?

Similarly, Bodybuilding is not without protein.

I truly understand what problem you are facing with protein deficiency and the problem such as :

loss of weight

loss of muscle

improper hair growth etc.

but not now.

I promise you will get the solution and the promise of getting 200% more protein than milk.

That Exact top quality 36 vegetarian protein food for muscle building you are going to see.

vegetarian protein food for muscle building

With these high-protein vegetarian food for muscle building, you will see the extra information about protein which I have learned from my experience. The foods which I am going to give you will available in your local area, so you won’t have to worry about it.

This will be your last search for your vegetarian protein food for muscle building this post will end your query. 

We need protein to grow, surely only protein is not one used by the body to grow but it plays the most important role in the problem that appears.

We need protein to grow surely only protein is not one utilized by the body to grow but it plays the most important role in vegetarian protein food for muscle building.

So this vegetarian protein food for muscle building will give you around 36 protein sources which will build your body like an expert.

36 High Vegetarian Protein Food For Muscle Building

Sources: USDA , NCBI 

#1. Beans

Beans are the most important source of proteins. 

21 to 25 grams of proteins you get from the 100 grams of serving.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

And kidney beans and other types of beans contain about 8 gms of proteins.

As this is our first list of items of vegetarian protein food for muscle building, I have to keep it this way it should be available in every corner of the world. so this is my first try to give you high-protein food for muscle building.

vegetarian protein food for muscle building

There are various types of beans such as kidney beans, etc. 

But there is no such restriction that you have to eat a special type of beans daily, so daily moderation is necessary.

I think it is affordable for you, if not then in the rest 34 it will be.

So don't ignore beans, eat them and just make powerful muscles.

#2  Nutritional yeast

Nutritional yeast is a friendly yeast that increases proteins in your body.

Not only the protein content it has many more nutrients than we think many people don’t know or they don’t consider as the protein source but we won't neglect this part.

It is used as a veg diet for muscle gain both work it can.

For health it is good and there are many recipes available online, you can make and eat.

 In 100 grams of serving, you will get about 4.85gm of proteins.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

Eat and be healthy if it is affordable for you.

#3. Green peas

Green peas are one of my favorite protein sources which I especially love.

Green protein we have to consume as with the protein it provides chlorophyll which is antibacterial, antifungal and anti cancerous.

Green peas increases the taste in the food and unknowingly we eat more and the truth is green peas in any vegetable gives nice taste.

You can consume the green piece by adding it on the rise or in any food, it really gives a nice taste.

In 100 grams of Greenpeas you will get 8.6 gm of protein.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

And yes you will build a nice body if your protein sources from this post daily.

#4. Spirulina

Spirulina is blue-green and gives which enhances protein production in your body and it increases proteins which helps you to grow your muscle mass.

It makes protein absorption quality good and I suggest you that if you are indulging or intaking the spirulina  the question of protein deficiency will not arise such a powerful medicine spirulina is.


It is alone a protein source from algae which is good.


If spirulina is available then don’t think and start intaking and you will see the benefits in just 1 month, there is no criteria of waiting you will see results instantly.

You will get around 5.9 gm of proteins from 100gm of servings.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

#5. Soya milk

Soy milk is the product that we get from soybeans, so your family is a great source of proteins so we can't go by neglecting soya milk over here.

Soy milk family is high in protein so soy milk is also high in protein.

In 100ml of milk, you will get about 2.4gm of protein.

soya milk is the milk protein which is rich in protein adn thats why it was mandatory to keep in my vegetarian protein food for muscle building guide.

In normal milk of cow and buffalo, it has some more mount of protein. so it is really fine to drink soya milk according to consulting the dose of it.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

#6. Oats

Oats are the major source of proteins and zinc which increases your beard, and muscle and increases energy.


Students' favorite dish means oat milk is very popular and they should consume it more and more for their growth.


Oats are rich in vitamin B, zinc, protein, and iron so it is nutritious substance.


Oats must be consumed by adults too.


Eating oats that breakfast with milk doubles your protein production in your body and keeps you healthy all day.


100 gm of oats gives you about 11.1gm of protein we get.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

#7. Chia seeds

Chia seeds come under the seeds family. It is important because the average protein which seeds families give a dash amount.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

But according to the research of Former Fitness Zone (our company research)  chia seeds gives about 17 gm of proteins from 100gm of serving.

Sounds good right.

Include this chia seeds in your diet which increases your all over growth of the body.

#8. Peanut butter

Peanut butter is a high source of protein which is liked by young childrens to old people.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

So I recommend you to keep this talk in your home, to exaggerate protein production in your body or the family.

Why am I saying this because, of all the states , people like peanut butter more than any other sweet. 


According to the research of Former Fitness Zone (our company research)  peanut butter gives about 25gm of the proteins from 100gm of serving.

And as it is healthy they are off to go.

#9. Broccoli

Broccoli is a vegetable which is full of Vitamin b and proteins.

The combination of vitamins, minerals and proteins leads to good health and increases your muscle mass production by 4 to 5X faster.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

That's why I am suggesting such types of foods to get the most benefit from it 


According to the research of Former Fitness Zone (our company research)  Broccoli gives about 2.8gm of the proteins from 100gm of serving.

#10. Spinach

Spinach is a all rounder food for it and I am damn sure that spinach you can afford.

So I don't want any excuses, just go and buy fresh spinach and eat it in uniform as you like but eat daily on words.

The reason why am I saying this because it rapidly increases the iron in your body and protein plus calcium in your body according to your servings.

So eat the spinach and be healthy.

According to the research of Former Fitness Zone (our company research)  Spinach gives about 2.9gm of the proteins from 100gm of serving

#11. Asparagus

Asparagus is a ancient food which is very very good source of protein and it gives the adequate amount of proteins for a person according to the serving which he takes.

Recommended serving of asparagus for males is a dash

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

Recommended serving of asparagus for women is a dash

And according to the research of a former fitness zone 100gm serving of asparagus gives you about 2.2 gm of protein. 


#12. Potatoes

Potatoes are a good protein source for those who are nondiabetic.

If you are a diabetes patient, strictly skip this part because you are not allowed to take the potatoes and sweet potatoes as it spikes the sugar level in your blood.

As the glycemic index is high for potatoes you shouldn't have to eat this.

But others who are non-diabetic can eat the potatoes according to their part.

For vegetarian protein food for muscle building potato is the powerhouse of energy as it has the most amount of carbs and a medium amount of proteins.

My recommendation is when you come after exercise at that time one or two boiled potatoes are enough for that day.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building


Potato gives you about 2gm of proteins from 100gm of serving.

#13. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are completely fine for the nondiabetic person but the person who is diabetic ensure that he is not eating the sweet potato because it increase and increases blood sugar.

But according to the research sweet potato contains proteins so we can't neglect this thing.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

In 100 grams of speed potato, you will get around 1.6gm of proteins.

#14. Sprouted Grains

You will get around 7gm of proteins in 100 gm of the serving of the sprouted grains.

#15. Soy flour

Soybean flowers are an interesting thing which I believe and in our state we do this when we grind the wheat. 

In that wheat we and around 20 to 30 gram or 40 to 50 gram of soya bean and it gets crushed and we mix it and you will get around 2x to 3x  extra proteins from that single wheat.


In soy flour you will get around 47 gm of proteins in 100gm of soyflour.

The soya family in the soyabean, soya chunks, soya four, soy amilk are compulsory rich in protein so if you start eating these then no protein deficieny you iwll face.

The motive of making this vegetarian protein food for muscle building is that to get to know that just by eating soya if oyu ae poor it makes the body like arnold and this is the truth.

#16. Pulses

Pulses are nutritious and you are supposed to take them in your diet.

But keep in mind that if you eat extra pulses or more pulses then the chances are such that you won't get digested completely.

In 100gm of pulses you will get around 5gm of proteins.

#17. Chana

Chana is the most important source of protein.

Chana BHEL which is my favorite dish is high in protein because of the additional nutrient of chana.

Please consume chana on daily basis to increase protein.

Through this, you can increase your protein production in your body.

In Hundred grams of Chana see you will get around 19gm of protein in 100gm of servings.

#18. Grains

Grains are an important source of carbohydrates and protein. That's why it is mainly included in our vegetarian protein food for muscle building.

Good the quantity of protein which you are going to get is comparatively lower than carbohydrates because it's the main source of carbohydrates.

But you will get the adequate amount of proteins when you eat roti with rice.

The essential amino acids which are there in roti are not there in rice and the Minions which are there in rice or not there in roti so if you come by these both than it gets the whole source of protein so don't worry about the protein getting query.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

So in a hundred grams of wheat see you will get around a 15gm of protein.

#19. Seitan

Seitan is one of the important sources f protein and comes under vegetarian, it is very helpful for veg diet for muscle gain and fatloss but if it is in your budget get and start including it in your diet.

So in 100gm o fthe seitan you wil get around 21gm of protein.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

#20. Cheese

There are various types of cheese just cottage cheese and other types of cheese which are being garnished over pizzas and burgers.

Cheese comes under the fat category but considering the amount of protein it has to be taken in my list of vegetarian protein foods for muscle building.

We need fat in day-to-day life and on a daily basis for the proper absorption of nutrients even if some amino acids get absorbed within the fats.

I recommend eating the cheese in an adequate amount of preparation on daily basis or if you don't like it on a weekly basis.

In 1 slice of the cheese, you will get around 6.4 gm of protein which is high you can include this in your diet.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

#21. Chickpea

Chickpeas are my favorite protein so simple I like them with the chaat 

Chickpeas are full of carbohydrates and proteins and these chickpeas are the best and chosen pre and post-workout meals, I pre-workout meal increases the electrolytes, and a post-workout meal retains the energy.

The recipes for the chickpeas are solid and very very mouth-watering so I want that you must consume it at least thrice a week for a healthy taste.

Chickpeas enhance the taste in my diet so I like to include my diet it will improve your taste of yours so just grab the chickpeas and eat.

In hundred grams of chickpeas will get around19gm of proteins.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building



#22. Almonds 

Are a good source of proteins plus Omega 3 if you are Omega 3 deficient then you have to eat almonds.

Almonds are a good source of omega-3 and Vitamin E.

There are the basic amount of protein and healthy fats.

Almonds are been eaten for omega 3 because it makes your joints and bones stronger and why it is important?

As a driving food, you have to consume it don't eat too much that it increases the heat in your body so 5 to 10 is more than sufficient.

100 grams of almonds gives you about 21gm of proteins.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building


#23. Eggs

Examine a completely lean source of protein so you can get only proteins from the eggs.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

If you are in that thinking that you have adopted eggs vegetarian then it's for you.

So I am completely vegetarian so I don't eat eggs.

One egg gives you about 6 gm of proteins.

#24. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds come under the seeds family but pumpkin seeds are more beneficial not for proteins but also for vital vitamins and minerals.

Seeds of pumpkin come under the family of seeds but this has a major role in  the maximum nutrients then the other seeds.

Not a good source of proteins by the order of nutrients it is very important to consume pumpkin seeds.

With vegetarian protein food for muscle building, we also need vitamins and minerals and fats to cover the body with nutrition.

So if you are protein plus vitamin mineral deficiency then you can try pumpkin seeds too.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

So 100 grams of pumpkin seeds gives you about 19 gm of proteins.


#25. Soy nuts

Soya nuts are members of the soya family so they already have the highest amount of proteins if you like the Soya nuts and consume them according to your convenience.

Soya nuts is the product of the soya family which has a higher amount of protein with Omega 3 and calcium too.

Where it is high protein diet slightly affects your appetite and you feel that your stomach is very full.

Which is common in the Soya family so eat and make your body.

But keep it moderate don't keep it high because if you consume eating high amount certain hormonal imbalance takes place in your body

100 gm of protein gives about 37gm of proteins.


#26. Tofu

Tofu is being made by soya. Sweets are high in protein but I really don't like the taste so I avoid eating them. But if you like this taste then 100% it will be a game-changer for you.

Excess eating of tofu may lead to the fat chest or similar to man boobs.

So eating on the right amount, and the right amount is 50 gram.

If you eat in this quantity then I am sure that nothing problem will arise in you.

But keep in mind that it has some of the side effect if you eat it in high amount.

100 gram of two food gives you 8gm of proteins.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

#27. Paneer

Paneer is a high source of proteins in dairy products if you like it then surely you can consume it in your daily diet.

If it is high in cost for medium-class people then they can eat the paneer 2 to 3 days alternate according to their convenience.

paneer is the powerhouse of the protein and if oyu skip this part then really you are good for nothing and here I suggest you one thing that I know daily consumpriton will make you bore.

So the solution of it is one day alternate you have to eat the paneer and one day alternate you can have soyabean as simple as that.

The combination and paneer and soyabean is like the best friends and if you are the third then you are not going to become the protein deficient at all.

You can make the paneer at home if you don’t want to rely on the markets paneer.


How to make the paneer at home?

Step 1 : Take 1 litre of full cream or full fat milk  and keep in the low flame (1 litre is standard, you can take as your capacity is)

Step 2 : Now squeeze the lemon and stir it.

Step 3. And the solid layer which is there then it is nothing but the your paneer and take it off.

Step 4 : you can drink the watery part and it is nothing but it is the ‘whey’ which is been saled by the whey protein.

Step 5 : make the paneer according (means give the shape accordingly)

100 gram of paneer gives you about 18gm of proteins.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building


#28. Milk

As I like all dairy products so I am very obsessed with the dairy products such as milk, yogurt, paneer, ghee, etc.

Milk is the most important source of protein which has many of the protein source except the vitamin c and iron it has all the nutrients which are discovered in the world.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

You might know that milk is the second divine nectar after ghee and milk are recognized as one meal of the day.

1meal of the day = 1 whole glass of the milk.

I suggest you that if oyur goal is bodybuilding drinking the milk at night with ghee will enhance your bodybuilding journey and this comnination boosts your muscle building process 5x.

Don’t drink these combination at day or afternoon when you go to sleep at that time after dinners 2 hour later you have to follow this process.

1 l of Bovine milk gives you about 32gm  of proteins.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

Drinking cow's milk buffaloes milk goats milk according to your conditions Whichever is available drink it and be healthy.

#29. Yogurt

Yoga is a high source of protein with a good amount of probiotics in it.

Yoghurt is alone the product which make itself a unique.

It has :





Healthy Fats Which Repairs The Heart

Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin A

Vitamin  E


These are the benefis which oyu will gaet after when you eat the yoghurt means you are looking for the protein and these 6 things are free.

So these are such nutrient which supports your bodybuilding and without that you will face some problems.

Yoghurt and Ghee are the king and queen for body building. You must have that.

You can eat yoghurt with your meal but keep in mind that don’t eat this product at night as it gives adverse effects in cough and cold and loses immunity.

Don’t add table salt and table sugar as it decreases the good component of the yoghurt in it then no use of it instead of the table salt use the rock salt and instead of the table sugar use jaggery powder

It is my favorite choice of protein source and I eat it daily.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

100 grams of yoghurt gives you a 8.5gm of protein.

#30. Legumes

Legumes in short Dal. Is completely reaching proteins so undoubtedly you have to include it in your daily curry. which we can use the source as vegetarian protein food for muscle building.

If you are making curry then use that dals.

Moong dal, urad dal, toor dal, etc dals are there. 

If you want to increase your strength then black or red dal is compulsory for you only if you want to maintain the satvik aahar in your diet then moong dal is best for you.

Use that dals to increase the proteins in your body.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

100 grams of legumes gives you 5 gm of proteins.

#31. Sprouts

Sprouts are an important source of protein which we are not going to neglect. In sprout, you can include moong, matki, etc.

Rich in iron calcium vitamin A vitamin b magnesium and proteins it is very very beneficial for you if you are in the bodybuilding industry or you are a common person too.

If you're consuming sprouts then there is no need for multivitamin tablets.

If you consume milk and sprouts on a daily basis then there will be no deficiency of any micronutrients or proteins.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

100 grams of sprouts gives you 3.4gm of proteins.

#32. Lentils

Lentils are a good source of protein for the vegetarian group and it has been recommended since ancient times.

So this is recommended for you all to in your diet.

Don't think about the proteins, just eat it and see the results but for your sake this is the nutritional facts of lentils.

I personally eat lentils on daily basis. Consuming the curry of lentils with ghee is my favourite dish and this completes my half-protein requirement of a day.

There are many tasty recipes that are used to complete your daily protein requirement of protein.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

A 100-gram serving of lentils gives you about a 9gm of protein.

#33. Soybean

Soybean stands for the powerhouse of proteins and you have to consume it and comparatively, it is very very cheaper in our area.

It is mainly consumed to increase height.

If you think about vegetarian protein food for muscle building then soybean defeats non-veg, that much protein soybean has.

I hope this is cheaper in your area.

If it is cheaper in your area there is surely consume it but keep in mind that you have to consume about 50 grams to 70 grams of soya bean daily because it causes hormonal engineering in your body so 70 grams is high enough for you.

100 grams serving of soybean using 45-50 grams of proteins.

#34. Nuts

Nuts and seeds are two important sources of protein if we consider vegetarian protein food for muscle building so we have to discuss these two parts in this post.

It contains peanuts,  walnuts, etc. Such types of nuts are there.

Nuts are the things that are easily getting protein and which you love to eat.

You can consume nuts when you are doing any work or any of the free time you can eat it as a timepass which leads to great health.

Nuts contains proteins, Omega 3 and certain micronutrients which are very beneficial for our heart health so consuming it will give your nice health

Though the proteins with you are getting comparatively less than the Soya family, it is very very much beneficial for your muscles, hearts and joints.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

100 grams of serving gives you a 20gm of protein.

#35. Seeds

Seeds are an important source of protein so we can't skip this part.

Daily including the seeds in your diet leads to better health of skin muscle bone and heart too.

100 grams of seeds will give you a maximum 30gm of protein.

Seeds not only contain proteins but also Omega 3 which is the side product or compulsory product with protein and it is used by bone to maintain the grease of the joint.

If there is any problem regarding the bone or muscle if you consume the protein+Omega 3 the recovery rate becomes 8X faster.

So if in your area seeds are costly then don't skip them but eat once a week.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

1 Alternative Way Which Gives You 200% More Protein a Day

I know you are protein deficient and the big reason for it is the improper nutrition food.

The above discussed are the foods which contain high protein but now you won't have to remember these all.

You have to do only these things and in 2 steps you will overcome the deficiency and the intake of protein daily will be 200% more than milk.

Step 1: Daily Intake Of Soyabean

Soybean has 40-50% more protein than milk.

Daily consumption of it is really good and daily rquiremen of protein is fulfilled.

And why I have selected the soybean is because it will drastically increase the protein in the body and that too with more useful amino acids which you require or your body requires.

Step 2: Adapt the ketogenic meal plan

The reason why you have to adopt the ketogenic meal plan is that it is a combination of all nutrients.

Its meal plan is dedicated to all people who are protein or any other nutrient deficient.

It is sure that with these 2 steps, you will really increase your protein level by 200% more as it is truly tested.

If you know any of the ketogenic meal plans then it is well and good but I don't know what type of it is because various fake meal plans are available in the market.

My request is don't follow such useless meal plans which are good for nothing.

But here I have researched about 100% Natural ketogenic meal plan and I am going to hand over that meal plan to you.

The natural ketogenic meal plan contains the following thing more benefits than I have said:

1. Helps you in getting 200% more protein than milk
#2. melts the excess fat readily.
#3. Increases the nutrition absorption power.

Which gives a healthier and longer life without any disease.

we all know the keto diet =  weight loss diet and it is the advanced version that completely satisfies protein deficiency and even other deficiencies because it is designed in such a way.

This is a new revolution in this keto world and many people are taking advantage of just $1and the reason you will understand when you go to the below product.

Ketogenic Meal Plan

This is sufficent for you to increase the protein.

Nonveg VS veg

People eat non veg to get the maximum amount of protein which is absolutely correct.

But here the matter is we get proteins from vegetarian sources too.

Is only protein the main source of the main thing to consume?

As we eat the food not only the complete minerals should we get but also the vibrations too matter.

Looking at the fruit from the plant is the less harmful activity for the plant but slaughtering the animal is the biggest thing and it results in various dreadful diseases.

Pros Of Veg

#1. Increase Longevity

vegetarian protein food for muscle building

vegetarian protein food for muscle building

#2. Supplies multiple nutrition.

#3. Mentally healthy.

Cons Of Veg

#1. Less protein.

#2. Takes time for bodybuilding

Note:- I agree that you will get less protein but you will leave a long life and healthy life. 

There is nothing like that that you get this protein if you eat so you have been in regular in daily than it is as compared to the chicken or mutton which you eat but it is.

Pros Of Nonveg

#1.  High in protein.

#2. Increases faster muscle.

Cons Of Nonveg

#1. Increased faster muscle is in the form of bad fats or cholesterol.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

#2. Decreases the age.

#3. Heart disease.

#4. Cancer-causing.

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building

#5. Brain disease.

Note:- There is no use in eating nonveg as he is he gets deferences if the age gets decreases then no use in building the body.

It's up to you what you want to choose. 

How To Build Muscle For Vegans?

Vegans are those who won't eat milk and dairy products, eggs, nonveg, and honey.

The total population of vegans in the world is very and here is the data on that:

vegetarian protein food for muscle building

For the vegans, I only suggest one food which is soya bean. To build muscle for vegans this vegetarian protein food for muscle building each an every food is mandatory except their mik

If you are consuming daily then I am sure that the protein deficiency completely disappears.

This is the golden food which is been designed by God for Vegans as a gift.

And if you are reading this post then you have got that thing so without any delay daily to daily soya protein in any form.

And the compulsory exercise two exercises have separate posts regarding it.

You can check it out.

I am happy that you have adopted the weekend diet which is 100% healthy but the small change of this soya protein will intensively increase your muscle building.



I hope the vegetarian protein food for muscle-building guide will be beneficial for your body-building or muscle-building goal. 

If you think you can do then obviously you can do that thing, if it is positive then it leads to success and if it is negative then it leads you to great distress.


The choice is yours do you need whey protein or not the whole nutritionist team is after you if you want that support then get it as soon as you can.


Get it.


And tell me how was the experience with them.

I am damn sure ht you will enjoy it and fastly you will cover the muscle-building process and that too full naturally.


If you like this post then comment to share your views.

You have to go with the following protein source which is high in protein and which we have to consume is this:

Vegetarian protein food for muscle building




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