Best Leg Workouts At Home Without Equipment With 49 Selected Exercise

After 50 years or 60 years, people feel actual pain in their legs, if they walk for 5 minutes their legs start to pain. I know this problem is common here and to overcome these problems and to leave a healthy life now and in the future, I am here with the top 49 best leg workouts at home without equipment.


I know many people are in that condition they don’t want to spend time going to the gym and don’t want to spend the money on the things which they want: equipment, now no excuses all the things I have fixed now you have to do with me. And I promise you that within 30 days you will get the results and if your body I supportive of my exercise then within 15 days you can do a sprint.


These best leg workouts at home without equipment will be a game changer for my brothers. So without any further delay let's get started.


Top 49 Best Leg Workouts At Home Without Equipment


In the guide of Best leg workouts at home without equipment If you remember as I promised you below that if your body supports the exercise then you will be perfectly fine in a couple of days. 

Then I suggest you if you have the time then do all 49  leg workouts, which will be beneficial for you.


Please follow this suggestion.


Now let's know what are those 49 best leg workouts at home without equipment.


These best leg workouts at home without equipment will be a game changer for my brothers. So without any further delay let's get started.


Top 49 Best Leg Workouts At Home Without Equipment


In the guide of Best leg workouts at home without equipment If you remember as I promised you below that if your body supports the exercise then you will be perfectly fine in a couple of days. 

Then I suggest you if you have the time then do all 49  leg workouts, which will be beneficial for you.


Please follow this suggestion.


Now let's know what are those 49 best leg workouts at home without equipment.


#1. Suryanamaskar


Surya Namaskar is the ancient exercise method which by doing it correctly and fastly within 1 minute your body will heat up this practice is recommended for ht better stretching of the body and the legs exercise too also occurs simultaneously not only leg exercise but also the overall body exercise occurs.

In the premium guide of best leg workouts at home without equipment, Surya namaskar comes first in the position and it really comes in the first position. 

According to the research of the Hindustan Times, in 10 minutes 139 calories burns. Which is beneficial for weight loss too.

According to the former fitness zone (which means our study), we observed that the exercise of the leg alone contributes 59% of the exercise part so this is the main part that you don’t have to skip and the duration of the doing is 5 minutes.




#1. Muscles of the thighs and legs get stronger. (no need for proof because if you start to do then you obviously get the result in 3-4 days)

#2. Bones become stronger.

#3. Increase in the metabolism

#4. Being active in human growth hormone. (HGH)

#5. Increase in height and weight.


best leg workouts at home without equipment

#2. Tadasana


best leg workouts at home without equipment

Tadasana is recommended alone for the legs especially the calves, here the leg contribution is 100%. that’s why I suggest this to do longer and for 10 minutes daily which is the maximum.


It has numerous benefits like an increase in height and making the leg stronger. Even intrinsic energy will increase.




#1. Tadasana is recommended more for the height increase.

#2. Height increases when your bones are strong, tadasana makes your thighs, legs, calves, and ankles such strong that, in the 100th year you will be walking without anyone's help.

#3. Good exercise for the height and for the pelvis region,

#4. Makes the hand stronger and increases concentration,

#5. Makes the body balance good and the brain will be in complete balance.  Source : (Healthline)



#3. Garudasana

best leg workouts at home without equipment

Garuda means eagle, and asana means pose this pose alone can make your muscles in the legs those shiny cuts Ronaldo has the same type of cuts you can achieve with this yogic posture and I recommend this part 10-15 minutes to do daily.

The pelvic region also gets positively affected and becomes healthy. Though you don’t have the time you have to give the time to this wonderful exercise which is designed by the saints, especially for weak legs.




#1. Garudansan is especially for leg exercise.

#2. Les muscle gets strong.

#3. Legs get flexible.

#4. Increases the longevity of the legs health.

#5. Useful for the pain in urine, the pelvis region, and for the kidney and all over the body.

Source: (Yoga Journal)


#4. Side situps



#1. Knees get strong till 100 years of your age.

#2. Thighs exercise.

#3. A similar type of exercise which you do at the gym can do it for free of cost.

#4. Increases balance over the body.

#5. Increase concentration.  Source: (bebodywise)


best leg workouts at home without equipment

#5. Baithakas

best leg workouts at home without equipment


#1. Baithaks (squats) are an ancient technique of making your legs stronger than before.

#2. Almost 100 baithakas for experts and about 10 baithakas for the normal and for the beginner.

#3. The knees get stronger.

#4. Hamstrings muscle gets develop like a pro.

#5. Increase in stamina.  Source: (indiatvnews)


#6. Cycling

best leg workouts at home without equipment


#1. Cycling is the best exercise that makes your knees 100 % perfect and fine till 100yrs.

#2. Cycling increases blood circulation all over the body.

#3. It increases the anabolism and catabolism process in the body.

#4. The inflation of energy increases on the next level.

#5. Cycling increases height as it directly gets impacted the HGH (human growth hormone)

 Source: (betterhealth)

#7. Running


best leg workouts at home without equipment



#1. I started my height-increasing journey through running and now my height is 6.7.

#2. Running increases the impact on the HGH and boosts height growth.

#3. Running increases the metabolism.

#4. It makes your body in shape and you will surely make the perfect body out of it.

#5. Running, jogging, sprinting, and fast walking hold the same benefits.

Source: (betterhealth)

#8.  Sprinting


#9. Padmasana



#1. It holds the sperm in your body and gets diverted in your mind or brain which increases your height.

#2. Doing kapalbhati with padmasana will boost your height like a giraffe.

#3. Padmasana is the basic asana that you should know and practice this asana 30 minutes a day.

#4. Muscles of the ankles and calves get stronger and make you walk better.

#5. It is a useful method for sitting in meditation.

 Source: (Phamreasy)


best leg workouts at home without equipment

#10. Jogging


#11. Standing Jogging

 #12. Paschimmotanasana



#1. Many leg exercises increase height means keep in mind that if your height is growing then your legs are good and can serve 30 to 50 years more duty.

#2. Paschimmottanasana increases the height literally that’s why this asana is suggested for the students.

#3. It makes your muscles and capillaries very functionalize.

#4. Leg pain gets far away from you once you do this.

#5. Increase in the proper functioning of the proper nervous and circulatory systems.

 Source: (pharmeasy)


best leg workouts at home without equipment

#13. Kapalbhati



#1. Proper blood circulation to all parts of our body.

#2. Increase in leg stamina.

#3. Removal of the toxins.

#4. Increase in concentration and grasping power.

#5. Maintains oxygen level all over the body.

 Source: (Wake Fit)

best leg workouts at home without equipment

#14. Anulom Vilom




#1. Maintains oxygen level all over the body (cell)

#2. Increase in the IQ.

#3. Makes bones and nerves stronger.

#4. Especially for brain coordination.

#5. Increase in self-confidence.   Source: (healthline)


best leg workouts at home without equipment

#15. Vajrasana



#1. Improves digestive functionality.

#2. Improves the functioning of the nerves of the legs.

#3. Legs become strong.

#4. Proven efficiency against leg pain.

#5. Proven efficient against stomach ache, indigestion, etc.

 Source: (HealthifyMe)

best leg workouts at home without equipment

#16. Supta vajarasan


#17. Uttanpadasana


#1. For a complete digestive system, it is very much important asana.

#2. For the bones of the legs and tummy area, it is very useful.

#3. Reduces 90% of the disease from your body.

#4. Makes the back and tummy strong.   Source: (HimalayanYogaAshram)


best leg workouts at home without equipment

#18. Pavan muktasana


#1. For stomach disease, this is very panacea.

#2. Increase in the proper functioning of the stomach.

#3. Makes your legs stronger.

#4. Makes your thighs exercise.

#5. Proper functioning of the liver.  (Femina)

best leg workouts at home without equipment


#19. Yanasana


#20. Donkey Kicks


#21. Nabhi Asana

 source: (jagran)

#22. Sthita urdhvapadavistritasana


#23. Mrigasan

 Source: (YogaInDaiyLife)

#24. Yoga mudrasana

best leg workouts at home without equipment

 Source: (TheYogaInstitute)

#25. Janushirasana


#26. Matsyasana

best leg workouts at home without equipment

 Source: (bebodywise)

#27. Dhanurasana

best leg workouts at home without equipment

 Source: (pharmeasy)



#1. For body flexibility.

#2. Increases your concentration.

#3. Erection of your spine.

#4. Build your thighs and leg muscles.

#5.  Increases your height.


#28. Chakrasana


best leg workouts at home without equipment


#1. For spine erection.

#2. Increases your height.

#3. Makes your body stronger.

#4. Stiffness in your body.

#5. Makes your legs stronger


#29. Halasana

best leg workouts at home without equipment

 source: (heatlhline)



#30. Khagasana


#31. Shaturmurga asana

best leg workouts at home without equipment

 Source: (upshanayoga)

#32. Pada hastasana

best leg workouts at home without equipment

 source: (yogaindiafoundation)

#33. Utkatasna

 source : (harmonyyoga)

#34. Gomukhasana

best leg workouts at home without equipment

 source: (bebodywise)


#1. Reduces the hydrocele problem.

#2. Proper functioning of the pelvis region.

#3. Increase in immunity.

#4. Makes your legs stronger.

#5. Makes your legs, especially ankles and calves flexible.


#35. Hastapada guptasana

 source: (myupchar)

#36. Box Squats


#37. matsyendrasana

best leg workouts at home without equipment

 source: (wakefit)

#38. Jumping


#39. Purvottanasana

 soruce: (fitsri)

#40. Hasta pada vistrit halasana


#41. Ekpadasana

best leg workouts at home without equipment

 source: (yogaindiafoundation)

#42. Utkatasana

 source: (harmonyyoga)

#43. Trikonasana

 source: (samadhiyogaashram)


#1. Increase in bone density and makes your bone healthy and fine.

#2. Makes your muscles stronger.

#3. Reduces your belly fat and chest fat.

#4. Increases the hunger after the exercise and at that time just take the protein-rich diet.


#44. Sankochasana

 #45. Druvasana.

 source: (yoga.omgyan)

#46. Vrikshasana

 source: (femina)

#47. Dhanushaakarshana asana

 #48. Konasana

 source: (theyogainstitute)

#49. Walking




If you are doing the above activities then don't stop in 30 days continue these activities for 3 months to get complete results. And the below nutritions you have to take in the form of food. And here there are necessary only 5 nutrients for the leg,  but these nutrients are very important to consume daily. (not the pills, only organic foods). These are as follows:


#1. Calcium

#2. Magnesium

#3. Vitamin D.

#4. Omega 3

#5. Protein


If you satisfied these nutrients in you for the 3 months you won't believe that your legs will become such powerful as the god Hanuman.





#1. How the children below 20 years can do these activities?

Ans: Walking, Running, Sprinting, Cycling, and Garudasna for their healthy legs are recommended for them if they don’t have the time and if they have the time then more exercise will be beneficial for them.


#2. How 21 to 50 years people can do these things?

Ans: Walking, tadasana, vrikshasna, Cycling, Garudasna




I hope I have given you the proper exercise as I promised you above the top 49  best leg workouts at home without equipment make me do very hard work to find by consulting my personal practitioners and consulting with my personal nutritionist and other dictators and yoga practitioners. If you believe in my hard work one comment is my prize from you.


My motive is that you all should be safe and live the rest live in peace and in happiness.


But wait...


You will ask.


How do I get Personal practitioners and Personal Nutritionists?


Best leg workouts at home without equipment guide is enough for you to build leg fitness but this is for others. 

I was facing many problems related to the perfect muscular shape of my body.

We went to many practitioners and nutritionists and they advised me the same thing which I know and I have done before too, and the pill, as I took that it temporarily increases my body but after when I left those pill I face those problems again with 2x power. 

I literally spent thousands of $ on nutritionists and practitioners in my student age without telling my parents. But I was 19 and my friends were having big muscular bodies.


He suggested one structural training program and as I heard the word training program then I thought it was really costly about 1000 to 2000$ its charge and I was wrong it was 299$ which made my life easier.


As I discussed with my parents, parents were ready to pay that amount.


I thought it is only the video and I have to do it like that, but no they give me their personal practitioners for the support and the personal nutritionist or dietician who are actually experienced.


And now I am 20  and still, 3 months of training remain the perfect body shape I will achieve, and now about 90% I have achieved.


If you too want this training get the additional discount from here because I am a member of it.


Get the Personal Practitioners And The Personal Dietician Now.


Our Recommendation

1. Structural Training Program

best leg workouts at home without equipment



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