Top 3 Universal Best Healthy Foods To Gain Weight And Muscle (Which Instantly Boost Your Weight And Muscle)

Best healthy foods to gain weight and muscle which is the common search for all bodybuilders for the fast result. 

I know I was one of them but do you really believe that there is food which is used to gain weight and muscle in one? 

Let's see the fact and the list of that foods.

Let me make sure that there is not a laundry list of food that helps you gain weight and muscle in one there are a few on the earth which I know and those are themselves used.


So if you want the list of such foods then stay tuned I know you are thinking that what foods are good for gaining weight and muscle? 

But before that let me clear that if you are consistently consuming it, this means if you read and once you eat if you won't get the results you blame it on me. 

I recommend eating the foods for 3 months for better results reflecting on your body.


So what healthy foods are good for gaining weight let's see:


Best healthy foods to gain weight and muscle


The list of the best healthy foods to gain weight and muscle is all vegetarian and vegan means all the people in the world can consume it, that’s why I am vegetarian because it’s full of nutrition. 

One thing I want to clarify you that it is 100% possible to increase weight and muscle at the same time and you can save time. 

But because of the fraud practitioners and teachers but don’t worry I am with you.


If your focus is to gain weight (only gain weight) then I have given the 5 steps process which if you follow will overcome your thinness in 3 months if you want that 5 steps then you can go.


As for the one who wants to increase only weight then I have solved the problem now for those who want the best healthy food to gain weight and muscle (means increase weight and muscle) here are the following foods which will fulfill your desire.


Top 3  Best healthy foods to gain weight and muscle


There are the top 3 best healthy foods to gain weight and muscle which are proven 100% positive in gaining weight and muscle.

Now if you ask me aren’t any other foods that do the same work, my answer is NO. because they give results in less amount of time without any side effects and other foods I don’t think to make your dreams come true.


We don’t need a quantity of food base to intake but without any required nutrients for our goal, rather we need quality food that instantly acts on our bodybuilding goal, and exactly I looked for that.


I have looked for the foods which directly impact your sperm quality, why I mentioned the sperm?

Because your intellectual, spiritual, physical, and mental ways are balanced by these sperms. If you are wasting it like water then you will not achieve what you want. 

Not only the physical but also all the sources such as intellectual, spiritual, and mental too.


Shri Ramakrishna Paramhansa said that if you won't waste the sperm and let it store in your body for 22 years then the body will purely become like a Lord Hanuman.

Intellectually, spiritually, physically, and mentally will be able to rejuvenate and you are empowered with such a power that you can defeat all the problems of life.


Best healthy foods to gain weight and muscle

These three foods are responsible for the special care of your sperm and can increase the production of the quantity and quality sperm that you need for muscle building.


#1. Ghee

 Ghee makes your shukra dhatu stronger. 

It is the sticky substance and makes the sperm same like it and this is the symobol of healthy sperm.

Best healthy foods to gain weight and muscle

Sperms are the one which if it is healthy it can build your muscles and weight simultaneously.


#2. Soybean

Soybean source of complete and whole protein and if you want all vegetarian protein sources for muscle building and this is the guide.

Soya bean makes your body and muscles strong.


It rejuvenates and makes stronger your Asthi dhatu.

It has the property of not focusing on one part in his multiple part combination it is one of the best food for us if we want game and muscle building simultaneously.

Proteins are similar to as carbohydrates, fats but the functions are different  but one common property which is there to note is gain weights.

Best healthy foods to gain weight and muscle

Proteins fats and carbs are used to gain weight as well.

A side benefit of protein is building muscle and weight gain.

Soybean is a very very rich source of protein. It has 50% of protein more than non-veg.

#3. Milk And Complete Milk Products

Each and every product are dense according to its nature.

Ayurveda mentions this is the perfect property for growth and to be healthy for sperm.

#a. milk

Milk is completed then signature which is the best property for growing the sperm.

Instead of these property it has one more thing a lactose in it which is the main reason to 2x the sperm production.

It's rich in vitamin A Vitamin b complex vitamin d zinc and each and every micronutrients.

It's denoted as a complete meal for a time.

#b. yogurt

After processing the milk with microorganisms it converts into the yoghurt which is the natural process

Converting in yoghurt the more nutrition the milk becomes.

 The part the layer of yoghurt which is completely dense that makes the sperm very very healthy

#c. Buttermilk

Butter milk contains which is one of the best product for our healthy weight gain.

Best source of calcium, healthy fats and the denser fat increases the production of sperms and makes your bones stronger.

Try the buttermilk.


#d. Paneer

It is the rich source of protein and has inbuilt property of increasing weight too.

Paneer is the panacea for this and you must try it.

Though you don't have the yoghurt, buttermilk but this is mandatory.

Paneer makes the bones and muscles strong due to the presence of protein and calcium in it.

As it is the product of milk the inherent property of healthy fats comes in it.


#e. cheese


Cheese is basically made by interaction of fungi.

This is specially for increasing weight.

These all foods are Shukra dhatu enhancing foods. Shukra is used to make your body structure, muscle building, and weight gain and for intelligence too.

These are the best healthy foods to gain weight and muscle.



Best healthy foods to gain weight and muscle's guide I think you enjoyed and hope you will enjoy another upcoming post.

Please don't hesitate on sharing your view related to the view.



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