13 Tips For Waking Up Early : An Ultimate Guide To Change Your Life Positively

Waking up early is really a big challenge in our life and for that, there is a constant search for tips for waking up early.

If you wake up early you will increase your chances of success and that’s the reason why you have to wake up, isn’t it?

Don’t worry within 13 tips for waking up early you will see a complete difference and you will wake up in energetic mode.

It's my promise to wake you up early in the morning/dawn.

But the one thing I want from you is a strong determination towards waking up early in the morning.

The tips for waking up early are applicable only to those who have strong determination and that’s the key to successful persons.


Tips for waking up early: 13 Proven Ways 

Note: The main factor why you are unable to wake up may be you are not getting proper sleep or quality sleep then which is also triggered in this post.

Step 1:-  Identify your goal.

With concern to tips for waking up early the question you have to do is why do I want to wake up early in the morning?

Your goal may be a workout (strong muscular body), health, or if you are a student then the studies, or if you are a businessman then fresh ideas for growing your company.

It may be anything.

The goal you have to set in such a way that In the future or in the next 10 years what you want to become is just what you have to write and fix in your mind.

The written part gets stored in your subconscious mind.

If you desperately want this then your brain automatically wakes you up at your desired time.

Thoughts of your goals won't let you sleep.


Step 2:-  Drink water at night


The one simple thing you have to do before going exactly bed is drink water.

When you drink water at night before you sleep then within that 6-7 hours your urinary bladder gets fully filled and you have to wake up for urination.

And once you come out of your bed then you won't get the sleep next time and this is the effective way best tip for waking up early.

There is a proportion of drinking and it varies in every season.

You have to follow this advice :- Whenever you are thirsty drink the water and upto 3 litres you have to drink.



Step 3:- Sleep early


Now you may worry what is the ideal time for sleep? And how to wake up early energetically then the answer is very simple.

Research study on relation of sleeping early and waking early

You required around 7 hours of deep and sound sleep.

Which is the intelligence muhurta means this time your intelligence is at its peak and till 9:00pm the intelligence level depletes as your brain needs rest.

I know you won't be able to wake up at 4:00 am it's completely ok. Slowly slowly the habit is developed in it.


Step 4:- Practice deep breathing while sleeping

The research says that the calm mind gets the sound and deep sleep fast.

The two deep breathing techniques do the same task.

#1. Bhastrika

#2. Anulom vilom


These 2 breathing exercise is sufficient for you to achieve the best quality sleep overnight and once you have gone into a deep sleep then after the alarm rings you will feel really fresh at 4:00am.


Step 5: Avoid sleep inhibitors

Here I meant that there are many sleep inhibitors but the major sleep inhibitor is tea or coffee or any other beverage which is refreshing and if you are consuming it after 5:00pm then you may suffer from the best sleep.


Impact of caffeine on waking up early

It impacts negatively your body and if your sleep is not proper then the whole next day will not go right.

Once you consumed then whole night you will just turn and turn and you will get to sleep at 1 or 2 am then how will you wake up at dawn?

Istn is easy to understand?

Just the thing you have to do is avoid drinking tea or coffee after 5 pm. Rather to say abstain completely from the diet.


Step 6: Exercise


The more you sweat in a day the much good sleep you will get and the quality matters in the sleep, not quantity.

Here the cautious thing is you have to do exercise in the morning and don’t follow the crazy schedule of following the exercise in the evening.

Study and sleep relation

For you 1-hour exercise is sufficient and in the right way.

Any exercise which you like but physical exercise is necessary and you have to do it.

Exercise stimulates the brain's functioning and the melatonin part and once you go in the dark the production of melatonin starts fast and the sleep will be deep and you will wake up at dawn without any difficulty.


Step 7: Nutrition

Nutrition is the key to all diseases and to all things related to health and physique.

If you are not taking a good and hygienic meal then the great disturbance you have to face in the sleep process.

It’s the fact that the person with poor meals and the person with good meals have to suffer more to sleep or to have quality sleep.

Nutrient-rich food means the food you are eating should be rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, lipids, and carbs too.


Step 8: Night walk after a meal

A simple walk after a meal under the moon impacts 100% of our melatonin level and hence it is the key factor for quality sleep.

15 minutes walk is enough under the moon for you to get proper sleep and even when you pray to the moon to wake up at dawn then it is a reminder to the subconscious brain and then you will wake up at dawn 100%.

Sleeping after a meal is not good for health and walking after the meal has numerous health benefits.


Step 9:  Avoid gadget interference in the night


Interference of the gadgets leads to the depletion in the production of the melatonin and hormonal changes are common in this.

Blue light promotes dizziness but reduces the sleepy feeling of melatonin.

hindrance of gadgets in sleep process

This is the major reason when you sleep for 10 hours then to you feel sleepy and when you don’t watch mobile or blue light and when you sleep for 6 hours you feel energetic.

You have to choose do you want quality sleep or the mobile which is giving you diseases.


Step 10: sleep at your decided bedtime

Whatever your bedtime sleep at that bedtime you have to sleep the reason here it is an adaptation

Adaptation whatever you give to your body it accepts after some time as it is the nature of the body and if we give positive instructions to our body then it behaves like that.


Step 11:- Do light work (optional)

The most important thing which disturbs your sleep and won't help to wake up early in the morning is the heavy work.

Here heavy work refers to the exercise in evening or watching mobile or tv at night it is heavy for your eyes and melatonin.

Reading a book, writing a journal, or simply doing the breathing exercise is the light work that you have to do for sleep or quality sleep.

The one thing to remember is when you apply these all things at a time then only it is going to work.


Step 12: conquer your first 5 minutes after the alarm

You may experience when at 4:00 am when the alarm rings and you won't able to get up that occurs after alarm rings and in 5 minutes or under 5 minutes you decide but mostly the decision is to sleep and follow the routine from tomorrow.


But these 5 minutes are game changers and if you conquer these 5 minutes by just a strong belief of waking up and once you wake up then it's over you have succeeded.

If you failed in that 5 minutes then the whole day will go wrong, 5 minutes of sacrifice will make your whole day happy. 

It's your choice.


Step 13: Be ready for the work

Now you are all set to wake up at morning.


The Bottom Line

I am sure that these 13 tips for waking up early will surely work.

The results you will get from day 1.

If you follow all 13 tips for waking up early at a time then you will surely get the addiction of waking up early.

No one will stop your achievement.

While stopping one important thing is that if you have any query related to the post then please suggest your problem so that it can be resolved in time.




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