How To Fall Asleep Fast If You Can't Sleep? | Proven Methods Of Effective Sleep

How to fall asleep fast if you can't sleep? 

Is not the big deal but if you ignore this part in most of the amount then it will be very harmful to you.

If you read this post and apply the things which I suggest then, surely from this night you will sleep like a baby.

This post is for those who have the question of How to fall asleep fast if you can't sleep? And for those who have related diseases means insomnia, basic mind disease, etc.

Remedies, Precautionary measures (precautions), diet, and exercise these all part going to cover in detail without any time wasting. 

But here I want a promise that you will act as I say till your problem is not fixed permanently.

You are welcome with your views and I will definitely try to help you out.

So without any further delay let's get started on our post.

How to fall asleep fast if you can't sleep

Sleep is a natural process when you are really tired or you are exhausted which relaxes your brain till the next night.

Here is the question are you working? This means if you work hard then I am damn sure that you sleep sweetly and no problem appears but these remedies are for all age people.

How many hours of sleep is necessary? what posture should adapt for a better sleep process/cycle these are all things we are going to see below and according to the hierarchy?

If you are constantly searching for How to fall asleep fast if you can't sleep? Then you may hear about melatonin. What is melatonin? functions of melatonin all the things are really simple and now we are going to look at them.


What is Melatonin?

 Melatonin is the chemical or you may say the hormone which is responsible for the best sleep and it gets disturbed by the following reasons.


It is true that the display lens of millstone in the body leads to improper sleep and improper growth indirectly.

What Disturbs Melatonin?


#1. Use of mobile while sleeping

If you are using a mobile while sleeping then the sleep quality you have to suffer. To fix this problem use this 3 hours rule:

This means if you are sleeping at 10pm then from 7 pm you won't have to see the mobile and just focus on good thoughts to adopt this habit you have to do it for 21 days. That’s it.


#2. Exercising at evening

Evening exercise you must have to avoid, when you do the evening exercise then your body feels fresh and energetic and it signals the melatonin that:” it's not the time to sleep”.

So the body won't produce melatonin.


#3. Lights are on when you are in bed

When you go to bed if your habit is that you won't sleep without the light then I am sorry you won't get sound sleep. Melatonin is the hormone that is released in the dark and that is the reason that people get sound sleep at night.

Fixing this part means you have to just off the light when you are going to sleep.


#4. Consumption of tea and coffee or other beverages

If you are continuously intaking tea or coffee after 5 pm then there are likely chances that you won't get a sound sleep as these are refreshing beverages that decline the amount of melatonin in the body.

Don’t compromise your sleep by intaking such beverages.


#5. No Work

If you are ideal in the whole day means not doing any work then you are not producing the melatonin and you are wasting your time too.

You are running after your goal and working hard to achieve it then you will surely increase the melatonin in your body. So work for optimum production of melatonin.



If you take care of these 5 things then the production of melatonin increases drastically and you will get sound sleep.


How to increase melatonin levels in our bodies?


Building Melatonin in our body is very simple and you can make it at any stage of your life the proportion of production affects various ages but it gets produced.

Don't worry you can make but you have to follow the following things for the best production of melatonin:

#1. Morning Exercise

Morning exercise here I mean that it should be in the morning itself because exercise in the morning gives the proper signal to the brain to activate the minute to win in the evening and even more at night.

As you perform the exercise your body gets weekly active the 17 hours in which you do the work will drastically enhance the production of Melatonin which gives you the best quality sleep.

And this is the main reason.

#2. Eat home-cooked nutritious food.

Your home-cooked nutritious food means the complete and whole nutritious diet you have to take.

It is only possible when you eat home-cooked food.

The outside food is good for nothing it's only for the taste.

Home-cooked food contains very much nutrients as your mother won't let you eat the wrong food.

Even the vibrations also matter to the person who is making food which emotion that truly matters here is not good vibration of food is negative and negative gates in your body and if the vibration is positive then positive Vibes enter your body.

And these positive Vibes are the main reason for good quality sleep.

#3. Avoid intaking melatonin pills

In taking of millerton in pills hinders the production of natural milatonin in our body.

And if it gets hinda then you we have to rely on the artificial millerton in supplements for your sleep.

And if one's you missed the pills then that whole night you will have to suffer with your sleep quality.

#4. Practice breathing exercises

Breathing exercise supplies the oxygen in our body and boost the milletonil production in our body and if we do it especially at night then it 5x the process.

You may do any breathing exercise according to your suitability but it should be from 5 minutes to 30 minutes in this duration max to max you have to do.

#5 Stay away from the blue rays

Blue rays which is the race coming out from the electronic devices which is mobile TV laptop etc.

It gets depleted the milletoni level in our body so please don't use maximum 30 minutes before the sleep.

#6. Sunlight exposure 

If your day begins with the sunlight exposure then the whole minute on in count will boost at night automatically in your body such energy the sunlight provides to your brain and body.

Hear the timing matters you have to be in the sunlight at least for 1 hour for the best results.


2 Morning Exercise To Get Sound Sleep

Exercise are good for the increase in the melatonin level and for sound sleep but if you are doing the wrong exercise at wrong time then it's of no use so one thing here to give in mind that exercise should be in morning only.

And here no more exercise you have to do just these two exercise is enough for your better sleep process.

#1. Suryanamaskar

Surya namaskar is the package of 12 aasans which is very beneficial for our body.

Initially you can begin with 10 Surya namaskar you can increase the level up to 100 self.

Not only the sleep but also various health related issues the Surya namaskar can conquer so this start doing it without any delay.

#2. Stretching (if you are below 21)

Here I have mentioned you before or below 21 just because if you do the stretching exercise then the height will increase or the growth of the body occurs in your body.

And actually we want growth and sound sleep so it's the combo both if you want then stretching is best for you just do it stretching for at least 30 minutes a day which can make your whole day in future related to your body.

Diet To Get Sound Sleep

There is only one diet plan suggested for sound sleep. 

The only thing you have to follow is to Eat Homemade or HomeCooked Food.

If you follow a healthy diet then you are sorted.

Your food must contain the following things:

#1. Vitamins

#2. Minerals

#3. Healthy fats

#4. Proteins

#5. Carbohydrates


If you are including these things then you are producing a better amount of melatonin.

10 Fastest Way To Have Quality Sleep in Just 30 SECONDS

1.  Meditation

Meditation is a way to keep your mind calm and forget better sleep.

A calm mind has a very high chance to get a deep and sound sleep the whole night which will give you an energy kick for a whole day.

Studies show that doing meditation instantly calms the Brain and mind and then you go for a good sleep.

2. Anulom vilom

Anulom vilom se Pranayam technique is next then meditation as it has various benefits for sleep and all over the body.

If you do this Pranayam only for 10 minutes nonstop continuously then you will feel sleepy and suddenly sleep you will get in that too deep and calm.

This pranayama boosts the Melatonin level drastically at that 10 minutes and eating makes your body feels rested and proper deep sleep we will get.

3. Military techniques

4. Don't watch the blue rays

If you are not addicted to a mobile then I am sure that you really want to suffer from sleep problems.

But if you are edited to a mobile then just two hours of use of a mobile at night leads to sleep disturbance.

Blue rays signal the Melatonin production that it's not the right time to produce military means so the Miller doesn't get produced in this quantity for your sleep so you won't feel sleepy and your whole night gets disturbed.

Minimum of 1 hour you won't have to see mobile or T.V for the best sleep experience.

5. Try to sleep early

Early to sleep early to rise is a famous sport in English but do we implement it in our life?

The best duration for sleep is 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. and in that duration, you must sleep because the sleep cycle demands this.

If you pass this time then the whole body cycle or sleep cycle gets disturbed then the chemical reactions or the internal reactions in the body get disturbed and your whole day gets suffered which I think you won't have to do.

So to fix this you only have to sleep at the right duration.

6. Your room must be dark

When you sleep dark the Melatonin level in your body gets increased and the production is 2x at the time.

Gets increased then you are good to go for Deep and sound sleep.

7. Room temperature should be as you want and as you are comfortable

Comfortability matters if the room temperature is adverse then there's no use in increasing the military level and doing all such things so comfortability must be better for your best sleep.

According to you and according to the reason the room temperature matters where there is no other thing just one thing to keep in mind it should be always favorable for your condition.

8. The clothes must be comfortable

In my opinion, don't wear such tight shirts and pants while sleeping the night pant and a men's shirt is almost good for you.

Aur in any other clothes if you are comfortable then use that just the thing mattress is that comfortability

9. 4-7-8 technique

10. 60 seconds eye blinking technique

This I am linking technique makes your brain relaxed and it's very helpful for your proper sleep and nourishment of the brain and eyes.

It relaxes the optic nerve of the eye and the nerve cells of greens which initially feels sleepy and drowsy and that's the thing we want for our sleep.

Only one minute you have to do it no more than that if you want to do then do but its max to max.

11. Just wet your feet

When you go to sleep then before that you must wash your feet with cold water and clean it this is because it really takes the temperature now and gives a suitable condition of the body for your melatonin to give you proper sleep.

This is only the reason to do there's no other reason for washing your feet if you really want to best sleep or quality sleep then do this simple thing.

12. Progressive muscle relaxation



Now I know you have got the answer to your question How to fall asleep fast if you can't sleep?

I hope you understand what I was trying to say.





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