How To Get Rid Of Depression Without Medication? Guaranteed Problem Solver

 Depression is the worst feeling then any disease. We all accept it, and specially I.

If you are experiencing the depression like my friend though the reason is anything then you are in constant search of ‘how to get rid of depression’ or if you have little to no budget then ‘how to get rid of depression without medication’.

A complete guide on how to get rid of depression without medication which is infront of you and it 100% organic, natural and as it is natural it is SAFE too, and Free.

Till the end you will understand everything and if you start now what is suggest then within 5 days you will see the results.

Ready to fight with depression! Let’s get started.

How Depression Occurs?


Depression is a critical thing which is serious in its beginner stage itself, but how it evolves is very much interesting and dangerous.

The one thing which you have experienced or which you have thought or 

How To Get Rid Of Depression Without Medication?


Depression occurs due to many factors, and stress is one of the factor of it.

There is complete and proper medication for depression. If you want to get rid of depression without medication then you have to ditch that set of tablets suggested by doctor and have to act what the nature says.

If you follow the nature then everything is in control.

Synthetic pills, coffee (caffeinated beverage), tea has the tendency to reduce the tension/stress which will automatically makes the depression low which is abrupt or sudden change in brain’s function which will drastically throw you from that stage of coolness to again more stressed stage.

So by following these following steps of cure treatment of depression you will be totally fine. Again one reminder, it is natural.

#1. Exercise

#2. Diet

#3. Unhealthy lifestyle into healthy lifestyle

#4.Management of Stress


Symptoms of depression


There are many symptoms of depression, there are stage 1 symptoms and there are stage 2 symptoms. If you understand in stage 1 then you can do the following activities and come back to our original world.

If you are in stage 2 then various unwanted thoughts will tackle you and you will face a many more problems which will destroy your days.

Stage 1 symtomps:

#1. Not eating well

#2. Offness of mood

#3. Not feeling to mix with friends

#4. Leaving lonely

#5. Feeling always tired

#6. Not getting quality sleep or peace sleep

#7. Depressed face

#8. Addcition of wrong habits

#9. Listening sad songs or remembering the sad moments


Stage 2 :

Stage 2 is one of the crucial stage and in this tage anything can happen because the symptoms when you red it is really shocking,

#1. Acting different then human

#2. Increasing suicidal tendency in the person mind

#3. The urge of living completely destroys

#4. Do or die situation



These are some sort of the symptoms you may see in the depression people and this is the easy thing which you can observe. If you observe properly.


Which EXERCISE To Follow To Get Rid Of Depression?

Which exercise to follow is the most important stage to get rid of depression, because no doubt every physical activity is good for health. But is the exercise direct attached to the depressional cause? If it is then you have to follow that and if not then don’t do it.

Now here I have some poses and pranayama and exercise which are directly attached to the depressional cause let's see which are they.

#1. Head pose

#2. Sarvangasana

#3. Kapalbhati

#4. Anulom vilom

#5. Surya Namaskar

#6. Running

If you are really serious to build your body.

If you have any disease and weakness and if you want to cure it.


For a stable mindset and to overcome every mental disease then, here is One GOOD NEWS.

You can enroll in this program which is trusted by several bodybuilders.

If you want that these all things come true, then you may be a participant.

So if you do this exercise you have reached up to 25% of conquering the depression. So lets begin with another one.

What Diet Plan To Follow To Get Rid Of Depression?

Diet is one of the important thing which matters most in the depression. Even the doctors has first preference to diet.

If you want to become completely fit mentally and want to get rid of the depression then these points may make you completely fine.

#1. Protein rich food

#2. Fibre Rich Food

#3. Vitamin and minerals rich food.

#4. Include compulsory ghee


Here I have not discussed about the carbohydrates or mostly the fats related the thing (except ghee).

Because the reason behind it is, it mostly don’t contribute in decreasing the depression.

How To Convert Your Unhealthy lifestyle into healthy lifestyle To Get Rid Of The Depression

In most of the cases the lifestyle matters, your living, you rmindset and your personal cares matters a most in the phase o f the depression.

About 26.78% reason out of 100% is the lifestyle disorder of that person.

Don’t worry it can be changed but one thing you have to keep in mind that do it for 21 days. As it becomes habitual to you.

So lets follow these steps to live a healthy lifestyle to reduce the depression.

#1. Wake up early

#2. Be freshen up

#3. One-Two hour exercise and yoga

#4. Then start your day.

#5. Eat healthy home made food

#6. Live a relax life and do some work if you are young or the youth.

#7. Sleep well at night



How To Get Rid Of Depression Without Medication


Here I will give you 20 ways to get rid of depression without medication and this is the tested and proven techniques, if you started following these techniques then from the day1 you will start to get results and you can compare that your last day and this day is different and I am feeling less depressed then yesterday.

So lets dive into what are the techniques


#1. Be with nature

As you know that nature teaches is lot but you know that nature heels the depression from the root.

Be with nature do activities where you are really in contact with the natural resources.

The best activities which you can perform is gardening, farming etc.


#2. Embrace the spirituality 

Spirituality or Embracing the spirituality is one of the most important way to get rid of depression way without medication.

Is really deep down into the spiritual activities then the sudden impact you can feel that your depression level is very much decreasing.

#3. Minimum to No intake of the tea and coffee


This you may think that it's of no use but this is also game change here to get rid of depression without medication.

Minimum to know intake of the tea and coffee is because tea and coffee contains one pigment or phone ingredient called tanning which directly stimulates your brain nerve which suddenly false after sometimes.

And this your depressed then you have to really be alert from this as it can increase your depression level more and more.

#4. Abstain from the tobacco, cigarrate, alcohol etc

This is the common thing which you have to stain from and it is good for nothing.

Alcoholic or smoking person in much more likely to death then normal person so last latest angry bird pareshan moto its because of the declaration in my understanding.

Abstaining it is one of the good and safe thing.


#5. Listen to the music which motivates you or makes your mind cheerful

Listening the music is also one way to release the stress but not long.

If you want to release this dress in a second then the song which you love you can play but it doesn't work for a long run so adjust accordingly.


#6. Intake of natural antidepression concoction


#7. Indulging more and more exercise to divert the mind from that thoughts


Exercising daily divides Your mind from such thoughts and you can behave normal in some days.

The consistent exercise you have the good techniques of exercise and which targets or triggers your mind then surely you can go with it.

#8. Gardening or farming

Gardening and farming is one of the best way to be with nature and leave the depression.

When you be with nature then no one there's you to take the stress and on nature take care of you.


#9. Intake of the food which makes your mood happy

The foods which make your mood good is one of the good things which you can try.

Personally I eat chocolate when I am stressed and stress gets released.


#10. Practice poisitve thought technique throughtout the day


#11. Stress management


#12. Try your hobbies

If you are in the city with any hobby then follow that hobby which secretes 0 the oxytocin and your dopamine in the next level.

Which will instantly reduces your depression level and I am sure that you will be amazed by seeing the results and you will get rid of depression without medication.


#13. Set your daily routine and aact like that

Set your daily routine according to your to do list and just act as that and don't watch anything with your mind says.


#14. Enough and proper sleep

Sleep is one of the important factor which matters and if these is the matter then please don't compromise with your sleep.

What you are to do is the best timing of sleeping is 10 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. you have to sleep in this scheduled itself to minimise the depression.


#15. Practice yoga

Yoga in the sense it is a panacea for depression.

Once you start doing yoga then I am sure that within first day of your yoga you will start filling relaxing and the depression starts going from your body in mind.

One for you guys are sufficient for you but for fast results you can increase the timing.

#16. Practice meditation 

meditation of the best thing which you have to adopt daily and at least 5 minutes initially you have to give for meditation.

This meditation techniques are the important but the results will get is really after many days but the result are really good 

#17. Watch greenery

Greenery has that capability to reverse your thoughts from your retina of your eyes.

That's why maximum colour of the mother nature is green to help the people from various diseases from which depression is one of the biggest.

#18. Playing games and watching the movies

Playing games releases the stress level and watching movies it just for the entertainment.

Do you do anything from this there is complete time wasting but if you are in the serious depression and if you think that this is good for you then don't think anything just do that what your heart says to revive from the depression.

#19. Reading the biography, comics

Reading the biography leads to the motivation and the power to come out from the depression.

Here the comics it's just for your entertainment so here I suggest you to read the biography of the best people which you have hard and learn from them.

This is be a game changer to get rid of depression without medication.

#20. Working on your goals

Working on your goals means just investing yourself in the good work so to avoid the complete stressful thoughts from your mind which gets you in depression.

One thing you have to keep in mind that write the delete to root ask and try to complete it which takes your whole day and which will outputs in bright future 

You have to apply these 20 remedies completely don’t make the bits as it will lower down the power of healing.

The Bottom Line


Though anyone says natural remedy will not heal the depression, just ignore that words and follow these 20 things daily for 7 days I am not telling to work on it till years to years only 7 days, if results are good then you can continue. But this hard work must come from the heart.

I know your question was How to get rid of depression? i hope you are cleared now i want a comment after one monththat you have been recovered. 

Depression or stress is such a disease which nature is only a remedy for it. Pills are not required but yes the yoga or exercise is required and if you want to learn the Japanese Fight Exercise Jeet Kune Do

Which has come from anciently from around 2000 years before then you can get our experienced structural training program.


If you follow these steos on the lifestly I am 100% sure that you will defeat the depression and you will live a better life.





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